
Friday, 15 December 2017

AP GO Rt No 972 Dated 12-12-2017 Retirement of Police Officers List

AP GO Rt No 972 Dated 12-12-2017 Retirement of Police Officers List

AP GO Rt No 972 Dated 12-12-2017 Retirement of Police Officers List Andhra Pradesh Police Service – Retirement of certain Police Officers on attaining the age of superannuation during the period from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018 Andhra Pradesh State Service Officers of Police Department shall retire from service on attaining the age of 60 years on superannuation on
the dates indicated

Andhra Pradesh State Police Department Police Officers Retirement List on attending age of 60 years list mention below. after retirement AP Police Officers get Pensioner befits Earned Leave Amount Service Pension Commutation pension APGLI Amount and complete list given below
  1. Encashment of Earned Leave (E.L)/ EHPL
  2. Refund of FBF Allowance
  3. Payment of GPF Balance
  4. Payment of APGLI/TSGLI Amount
  5. Refund of Saving Fund under General Insurance Scheme (G.I.S)
  6. Service Pension
  7. Gratuity Amount 
  8.  Commutation Pension
To Check latest pension rules in telugu click here 

A.P State Police Officers Retirement list 2017-18 from various districts

AP GO Rt No 972 Dated 12-12-2017 Retirement of Police Officers List


AP GO Rt No 972 Dated 12-12-2017 Retirement of Police Officers List


Thursday, 14 December 2017

GO Rt No 773 Dated 14.12.2017 promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II

GO Rt No 773 Dated 14.12.2017 Promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II

GO Rt No 773 Dated 14.12.2017 promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II Promotion in special cases Relaxation of the eligibility criteria for consideration of promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II during panel year 2017-18 as a special case

New Guidelines 
  1. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby order in relaxation on the following, during the Panel year 2017-18, as a special case:
  2. Relaxation of Educational qualification, which is now degree to the Gr-IV Panchayat Secretaries, who have the qualification of Intermediate and SSC only. 
  3. Relaxation of Departmental test to the Gr-IV Panchayat Secretaries, who have not passed the required Departmental test including TSPSC candidates.
  4. Relaxation of minimum service of (3) years under rule 7 of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 issued in G.O. 2nd read above (which were adopted by Telangana State 2014) to minimum service of (1) year, to effect promotions/appointment by transfer to the resultant vacancies of Panchayat Secretary Grade I, II & III as per the service rules in reference 2nd read above
  5. The 1083 additional posts As per Govt. Memo No.20028/ Mdl.II/A2/2011, dt.03.08.2012, in the cadre of Gr-III Panchayat Secretaries that are vacant shall also be considered for filling up through promotion from the Gr-IV Panchayat Secretaries. After inclusion of 1083 posts the cadre strength of Gr.III Panchayat Secretaries will be raised to (1607+1083) 2690.
  6. The employees who were working on re-deployment (OD) basis from other departments and absorbed in PR&RD Department vide GO.Ms.Nos 70 & 71 dated 27.10.2017 shall also be considered for further promotions. 

GO Rt No 773 Dated 14.12.2017 promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II

Click Here to Download GO Rt No 773 Dated 14.12.2017 promotions to Panchayat Secretaries grade IV, III,II

Thursday, 7 December 2017

District Wise SGT SA Vacancies AP DSC 2018 - 12370 New Jobs

District Wise SGT SA Vacancies AP DSC 2018

District Wise SGT SA Vacancies AP DSC 2018 AP TET 2018 Exam Notification Date Exam Date AP DSC 2017 AP DSC 2018 Exam Date Online Application Date Previous Papers Syllabus AP TRT New Notification cum AP DSC New Notification for SGT Telugu Hindi English Maths Science Social Vacancies Subject wise and district wise Vijayawada, Guntur East Godavari West Godavari, Krishna, Prakasam Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Kadapa, Chittor, Kurnool Anantapur Districts  category wise vacancies list  How to apply online to AP DSC SGT SA  A.P Govt released A.P DSC 2018 with 12370 Vacancies  Education Qualification and age limit.

A.P Govt released new notification for job aspirants on 06.12.2017 the A.P Govt released A.P DSC Notification 2018 for the recruitment of the SGT SA Language Pandit and PET vacancies total 12370. detailed notification will release on 15.12.2017 and the online application start from 26.12.2017 to 08.02.2018 . AP TRT exam maybe on the 23 24 26 of March 2018

AP DSC 2018 Education Qualification

For SA Posts :
  • Candidates must have done three years degree from a recognised university or equivalent qualification. Applicants obtained degree through distance mode are also eligible for this AP DSC 2018 Vacancies.
  • Candidates must have done B.Ed from the recognised university.
For SGT Posts :
  • Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other equivalent certificate recognized by Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P. and two year D.Ed. Certificate issued by the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent certificate recognized by NCTE.
  • Candidates who has done D.Ed is eligible for this Posts.

District Wise SGT SA Vacancies AP DSC 2018 - 12370 New Jobs

AP District Wise SGT SA Vacancies list update soon after releasing notification 

AP DSC 2018 Important Dates

  1. A.P DSC 2018 Notification - 15.12.2017
  2. Online Fee Payment  / Submission of Online Application - 26.12.2017 to 07.02.2018 ( total 45 Days)
  3. Download Exam Hall Tickets - 09.03.2018
  4.  A.P DSC 2018 Exam Date/ Written Exam Date - 23.03.2018, 24.03.2018 and 26.03.2018 ( 3 Days)
  5. Release of Initial Key  09.04.2018
  6. Deceleration of Merit List 05.05.2018
  7. Provisional Selection List / Intimation to Candidates 11.05.2018
  8. Confirmation of Selection list by the District Selection Committee - 01.06.2018 to 06.06.2018 

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

TS Direct Selling New Guidelines 2017

TS Direct Selling New Guidelines 2017

TS Direct Selling New Guidelines 2017 Telangana State Govt released new guidelines on direct selling in Telangana State  vide G.O. M.S No 29, Dated 01.12.2017 of the Telangana Govt. This guidelines implement immediately effect to all telangana districts

TS Direct Selling New Guidelines 2017

“Direct Seller” means a person appointed or authorized, directly or indirectly, by a Direct Selling Entity through a legally enforceable written contract to undertake direct selling business on principal to principal basis.” How shall digital and e-contracts be treated?

Answer: The ‘written contract’ includes e-contracts or digital contracts and the same shall be governed as per the provisions of the Information Technology Act , 2000.P

Clause 1.6 (Proviso)
“Provided that such sale of goods or services occurs otherwise than through a “permanent retail location” to the consumers, generally in their houses or at their workplace or through explanation and
demonstration of such goods and services at a particular place”. Does this Proviso mean that every sale needs to take place away from permanent retail location only?

Answer: Clause 1.6 does not restrict / preclude sales made from permanent retail location. However, direct selling entity will be governed by these guidelines.

“Provide a mandatory orientation session to all prospective direct sellers providing fair and accurate information on all aspects of the direct selling operation, including but not limited to the remuneration system and expected remuneration for newly recruited direct sellers’’. Whether the
training/orientation provided by the Direct Seller to other prospective Direct Sellers would be in compliance to this clause?

Answer: Yes, the training / orientation will be provided by the Direct Selling Entity or by a Direct Seller or by any authorized representative of Direct Selling Entity, either in person or through any digital means.

“Notwithstanding the distribution system adopted by a direct selling entity, the Direct Selling Entity shall be responsible for compliance of these Guidelines by any member of its network of direct selling, whether such member is appointed directly or indirectly by the Direct Selling Entity”. How will a Direct Selling Entity ensure compliance of these Guidelines by Direct Sellers?

Answer: To comply to this clause, Direct Selling Entity shall sign an addendum to the current contracts with the existing Direct Sellers. For  the Direct Sellers to be appointed herein-after, this clause shall be added in the contract signed by both the parties. The Direct Selling Entity should ensure that it contractually binds its Direct Sellers to comply with these Guidelines and take disciplinary action against reported noncompliance.
TS Direct Selling New Guidelines 2017

“It shall have an office with identified jurisdiction of its operation in the State to enable the consumers and direct seller to acquaint themselves with price of products, return or replacement of products and efficient delivery of goods and services, and post-sale redressal of grievances” Whether an office in one State can be designated as focal point for jurisdiction of two or more states?

Answer: An office in one particular State can be designated having jurisdiction over two or more states, subject to the accessibility of the consumers, where Direct Sellers/consumers can interact with the Direct Selling Entity / Authorized representative of Direct Selling Entity.

“It will be the responsibility of the Direct Selling entity to monitor and control the practices/methods adopted by the Direct Sellers”. Does this mean that only the direct selling entity will be liable for all grievances arising out of sale of products and services or business opportunity by the direct seller?

Answer. It is clarified that the Direct Selling Entity will be responsible for the quality of products and services and it will guide and help the Direct Seller to follow best practices in the interest of consumers. The scope and specific liabilities of the Direct Seller in such cases will be defined in unambiguous terms in the contract signed. By way of providing in the contract, every Direct Selling Entity shall define and develop some mechanism to monitor the practices being adopted by its Direct Sellers.

Monday, 4 December 2017

AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates Results Hall tickets Download

AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates Results Hall tickets Download

AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates Results Hall tickets Download A.P D.Ed IInd Year T.T.C Exam Time Table 2017 Hall tickets Download 2017 Exam Dates  1st year and II nd Year Results Date, Subject Wise Exam Date A.P D.ed IInd year new exam time table for regular students and back log students D.Ed 1st Year students Time Table and TTC 2nd year students exam time table for the academic year 2015-17 revised exam time table previous year model papers 2nd year students can download their hall tickets from

AP D.ed 2nd Years Subjects and Exam Time Table 2017

  1. Methods of Teaching - Mother Tongue (Telugu/Urdu/Tamil)
  2. Methods of Teaching - English
  3. Methods of Teaching - Mathematics
  4. Methods of Teaching - General Science
  5. Methods of Teaching - Social Studies
 AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates Results Hall tickets Download
Andhra Pradesh State Govt education department released A.P D.Ed 2nd year Exam time table 2017 for the batch of 2015-17 exams are start from December 15 to December 20 and these exams will be held from Morning 10 AM to 1.00 PM . The director of education department released exam schedule date wise and subject wise for the academic year 2015-17

Instructions to Download A.P D.ed 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2017

  1. First Student Visit BSEAP official website  Click Here to visit Official Website  
  2. Then Search to Download D.Ed 2nd year Hall Tickets from option then click that tab
  3. New Window will open to download A.P D.Ed 2nd year hall tickets
  4. Now Choose District Name from the list  (Ex: Vijayawada)
  5. Now Choose your district Name from the drop down list 
  6. Then Search your name from the list or Enter to your hall ticket
  7. Now Your Hall ticket will appears in new window Download and and save it

AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates Results Hall tickets Download

AP Ded 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2017 Dates

 Sl.NoDate andDay  Time  Paper  Subject
    1December 1510-00 am to 01-00 pmPaper – VIMethods of Teaching – Mother Tongue (Telugu/ Urdu/Tamil/Urdu)
  2December 1610-00 am to 01-00 pmPaper - VIIMethods of Teaching English
    3December 1810-00 am to 01-00 pmPaper – VIIIMethods of Teaching Mathematics
    4December 1910-00 am to 01-00 pmPaper – IXMethods of Teaching General Science
  5December 2010-00 am to 01-00 pmPaper – XMethods of Teaching Social Studies

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books Download for Telugu Medium and English Medium PDF Books Telugu Hindi English Bilogical Science Biology Physic Scoail Studies Text Books download in pdf 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th class T/M E/M Urdu Medium and Hindi Medium text books download free here

 Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books this books can use to refer TSPSC , TS Competitive Exams and Telangana DSC, SGT, SA, TTC, students can use for their practice and preparation.  Telangana Ist Class to Xth Class TS Academic Books books can download in Telugu Hindi English Urdu Medium. Primary School and High School Text Books can download Here

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books 

This Books download from Telangana State Council of Education and Research Training Website this books useful to all competitive exams including Police and TSPSC Groups TS DSC and TRT Gurukulam exams

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books

Telangana Text Books 1st class to 10th Class TS SCERT New E Books


Phy. Sc.
Bio. Sc.
Envi. Edn.


8thTelugu -
7thTelugu 7TM_GENSC -
English 7EM_GENSC
6thTelugu 6TM_GENSC -
English 6EM_GENSC
English 5EM_EVS
Urdu 5UM_EVS
Hindi 5HM_EVS
English 4EM_EVS
Urdu 4UM_EVS
Hindi 4HM_EVS
English 3EM_EVS
Urdu 3UM_EVS
Hindi 3HM_EVS


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